Your genes are perfect: Human physiology co-evolved with food, not chemicals (drugs)

Medical advances have improved the lives of so many. Not only are we expected to reach the age of 70 (at minimum), our lives could not be more comfortable. But, according to renowned holistic cardiologist, Dr. Jack Wolfson, DO, FACC, our journey towards technological independence has caused us to lose a little bit of ourselves – especially when it comes to understanding our own genetics and the importance of nutrition.

“Our genes are perfect,” he said, questioning the role of the pharmaceutical industry in all of this. He stresses that we co-evolved with food and that nutrition – more than anything else – is indicative of one’s overall health. Expounding even further, Dr. Wolfson said that many of today’s problems are being handled incorrectly.

It is much in the same way that “holding a hammer makes every problem look like a nail.” Today, medical professionals are taught, if not encouraged, to immediately prescribe drugs to treat patients, whether they need it or not. This has bred an entire population of drug-dependent individuals who are “managing” their disease rather than having the opportunity to be free of their condition altogether.

“Medicines do have their place in emergency situations,” said Dr. Wolfson. Nevertheless, he says that patients can be treated with natural, alternative treatments most of the time. These therapies include focusing on nutrition and exercise.

Watch the Health Ranger’s interview with Dr.Wolfson, below.

Is it really simpler?

Pill-popping seems like such an easy thing to do. Just one swallow and boom! You’re done. However, have you stopped to consider the consequences of your actions? Psychiatrist and author David Healy once criticized the overuse of medications in a 2008 paper, stating, “up to 50 percent of articles on therapeutics appearing even in the most prestigious Journals such as The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine may now be ghostwritten…A more specific problem is the evidence indicating that company articles on therapeutics often fail to refer to the data on serious hazards of treatment…raw data has been suppressed [and] in some instances been significantly changed.”

These harsh words coincide with a 2010 survey by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which found that the number of prescriptions dispensed in the U.S. increased by almost 40 percent between 1999 and 2009. In fact, a 2014 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) survey concluded that almost half of us have taken at least one prescription drug in the last 30 days.

With all the medicine being taken, why are there still so many sick people?

Think long-term

It is hard, but making small changes to your diet now can deliver big results. You have to think long-term. Dr. Wolfson says that preventive medicine (in which nutrition plays a large role) can result in fewer medical visits and an improved cardiovascular system. We recommend some of these changes:

  • Drink lots of water – The simplest change you can do is to eat your meals with water. Water contains absolutely no calories, is highly beneficial, and helps you feel fuller faster.
  • Use a smaller plate – Cardiovascular health is dependent on how much you eat as well as the quality of food you ingest. If you find yourself being incredibly tempted to snack on that unhealthy dish, it may help if you use a smaller plate. This will trick your eyes into thinking you’re eating more even if you’re not.
  • Make your snack more protein-rich – Eating more protein makes you feel full, so there is less chance of you binge-eating on junk food. The less bad stuff you eat, the healthier you will be.

Medicine has its place in healing, but it is definitely not something that should be taken regularly. Practicing good lifestyle habits is the best way for you to prevent disease.

Read more about nutrition and how medical interventions involving drugs may not be your best option at

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