06/10/2024 / By Lance D Johnson
According to a new analysis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has exploded since 2016. Approximately 7.1 million children (11.4%) have received an ADHD diagnosis over the past seven years. The issue really got worse from 2020 to 2022. There were approximately 1 million more kids diagnosed with ADHD in 2022 than in 2016. The rate of ADHD is now 1 in 9 U.S. schoolchildren.
Among children currently diagnosed with ADHD, 58.1% exhibited moderate or severe symptoms of ADHD, 77.9% had at least one co-occurring disorder, roughly half (53.6%) were prescribed drugs, and 44.4% received behavioral treatment for ADHD within the past year.
The issue is expected to become worse in the coming years, because the underlying issues are not being dealt with.
Increasing screen time and dopamine feedback loops negatively impact children’s mental state. The continuous poisoning of schoolchildren is harming their neurological development. The hopeless and germophobic behavioral training that took place under the auspices of COVID-19 has also played a terrifying role in the degradation of children’s minds.
Artificial intelligence is speeding up the rate at which information is consumed, and the messages coming through the screens are optimized and personalized to have an addictive effect on the mind. Children’s minds are not prepared for this manipulative and consumerist onslaught of messages and advertisements. Moreover, accessible internet connectivity has led to increased screen time for toddlers and young kids. Children are subject to dopamine feedback loops, which aim to increase their digital consumption, while harming their attention span. This is changing the dynamics of education and learning, adversely affecting brain development, and rewiring our expectations, attention and focus. AI advancements will also cause a breakdown in the education process as children find shortcuts to information, losing the skills of learning. In this new age, children will no longer have to depend on their ability to focus, and the learning process will be completely eroded.
These digital issues are accompanied by physiological issues that children face. The persistent assault of chemicals and heavy metals is short-circuiting children’s nervous systems and physiological brain development. School systems pump kids full of dyes, sugar and artificial ingredients, while depriving them of adequate water intake throughout the school day.
To make matters worse, school systems lie to parents about vaccine requirements and demand that children be inundated with 75+ doses of brain-damaging aluminum through an abusive childhood vaccine schedule that has normalized chronic disease and immunosuppression in U.S. children. The onslaught of aluminum is already being linked to serious chronic diseases in children, but the madness doesn’t stop.
The researchers of the study looked at the role that COVID-19 behaviors played on children’s thinking. A meta-analysis found that children showed more ADHD symptoms in 2020 and 2021 than in previous years. This was related to the stress, anxiety and hopelessness of lockdowns, restrictions and isolation that so many adults forced onto kids. Educators and parents who enforced a paranoid and helpless existence, with germaphobia and hypochondriac mindsets, relayed mental instability, anxiety and depression into children. ADHD diagnoses increased during this time because this label was easier to slap on the kids. Hopelessness and apathy in kids was portrayed as attention deficit. Anxieties were portrayed as hyperactivity.
Symptoms of hyperactivity and attention deficit indicate more serious issues within the child and the environment that they live in. However, the adults who gagged children and perpetuated the underlying mental illnesses were the root cause of these issues. It is these types of adults that have harmed the psychology of children, causing neurological dysregulation and mental instability, but most of these adults have yet to recant for their abusive and mentally degrading behaviors and their neurotic behavioral training methods that they have passed on to children.
Because these issues are not being addressed, ADHD rates in children will continue to climb, along with a host of other psychological issues and chronic diseases.
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Tagged Under:
adhd, Aluminum Adjuvant, Anxiety, attention deficit, behavioral training, bodily restrictions, depression, dopamine feedback loop, focus, germophobia, hoplessness, information consumption, isolation, learning environment, learning shortcuts, mental, Mental illness, paranoia, research, screen time, underlying issues, vaccine damage, vaccines
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