7 reasons to drink warm water every day

The way we start each day is incredibly important. While most of us usually opt for an invigorating cup of coffee or tea, others prefer a cold glass of water to wake themselves up. If these morning habits sound familiar, then you have been doing it all wrong, according to Ayurvedic medicine.

There is no doubt that water is essential to a healthy body and life. Most health and skin experts agree that drinking enough water during the day and staying hydrated is important to keep the body free of toxins and prevent premature aging of the skin. However, drinking your eight glasses of filtered water a day can do more than that. And as strange as it may sound, drinking hot water, especially in the morning, offers the most health benefits.

According to a study published in the European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, your body isn’t made to handle cold water. It tightens blood vessels which hinder digestion and hydration. Furthermore, instead of concentrating on the intake of nutrients, your body must spend energy on regulating its internal temperature after the consumption of cold water. Drinking cold water after a meal can also create excess mucus which may interrupt normal immune function and make you more vulnerable to infections.

While your taste buds may not agree, here are seven reasons why you should put coffee and tea aside and have a glass of warm filtered water instead. And why not add a splash of fresh lemon juice to enhance its beneficial effects and taste?

Boosts metabolism

If you are trying to shed some pounds, drinking a glass of warm water first thing in the morning may help speed up the process. Hot water increases body temperature, which in its turn increases the metabolic rate or the fat-burning process.

Cleanses digestive tract

Unlike cold water, which can solidify fats in your stomach and create fat deposits, hot water helps to digest the food in your stomach and eliminates toxins and other unwanted waste materials.

Purifies the blood

While this topic is highly debatable, Ayurvedic medicine suggests storing water in copper vessels improves your natural detoxification process. Since copper is an excellent blood purifier and bacteria killer, The Hearty Soul recommends drinking warm water out of a copper container first thing in the morning to boost overall health.

Improves circulation and blood sugar levels

Warm lemon water has been shown to be beneficial for people who have diabetes. It breaks down build-ups in arteries, thus improving blood circulation. Furthermore, warm lemon water may help regulate weight and control blood sugar levels.

Eases constipation

Constipation is a common stomach problem which is often caused by a lack of water in the body. Drinking warm water first thing in the morning will help you rehydrate your body to get things moving. Stella Metsovas, clinical nutritionist and media health expert in Food and Nutrition Sciences, told Medical Daily that primarily women benefit from this simple and cheap habit since they have more hormonal changes to deal with, making constipation a common issue for them.

Dissolves mucus

Researchers found evidence that compared to cold water, hot liquids can significantly reduce the amount of mucus accumulation in the nose, throat and gastrointestinal tract, thus preventing viral and bacterial infections.

Improves your mood

According to a study published in the journal Science, drinking hot water can enhance your mood towards other people. The warmth of the cup and pleasurable feeling that drinking warm liquids create seems to influence your mood and how you see other people.

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