New study concludes the usefulness of caffeine in reducing the risk of death for people with chronic kidney disease

Caffeine is one of the most widely used compounds in the world. It can be found not just in your usual cup of coffee but also in tea, soda, and energy drinks. Even though it is consumed by most people, many are still skeptical about its benefits which may vary per individual. Fortunately, there are many studies that look at the effects of caffeine on certain groups of people. One of these is a recent study by researchers from Portugal which revealed that caffeine significantly reduces the mortality risk of patients with chronic kidney disease.

More than 30 million adults in the U.S. suffer from chronic kidney disease, an illness characterized by impaired kidney functions like filtering the blood. There are many contributors to the onset of this disease but the most common among them are diabetes and high blood pressure. Early detection is crucial to treating chronic kidney disease but this has proven to be difficult since most symptoms manifest once the disease has already progressed. This also one of the reasons for the high mortality risk associated with chronic kidney disease.

In this study, which was published in the journal Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, the researchers studied data from 4,863 participants who were observed from 1999 to 2010. Upon comparison of people who had higher caffeine intake with those who consumed less, they found that the former experienced a 25 percent decrease in mortality risk over the 60 months that they were observed. These results were consistent even after considering external factors like age, gender, race, smoking, other diseases, and diet. The team attributed these results to the ability of caffeine to trigger the release of compounds like nitric oxide that improve the blood flow.

“These results suggest that advising patients with kidney disease to drink more caffeine may reduce their mortality. This would represent a simple, clinically beneficial, and inexpensive option,” said Dr. Miguel Bigotte Vieira of North Lisbon Hospital Center who is one of the lead authors of the study.

The results of this study suggest that caffeine is beneficial for people with chronic kidney disease and with more than 14 percent of Americans suffering from this disease and 89 percent consuming caffeine, this compound exhibits great potential in improving the lives of many patients. (Related: Coffee for kidney health? Researchers found that 3 cups per day helped people with chronic kidney disease live longer.)

Other health benefits of caffeine

Too much caffeine is bad for you but if you limit your consumption to the recommended daily intake of 400 milligrams per day then you won’t have to worry about the different repercussions that it may have such as migraines, insomnia, irritability, rapid heartbeat, and muscle tremors. On the contrary, you can freely enjoy its many health benefits, which include the following:

  • Caffeine improves brain health — Consuming caffeine has been shown to enhance both short and long-term memory. Moreover, it also reduces the risk of cognitive impairments such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.
  • Caffeine protects the heart — A study published in journal Annals of Internal Medicine revealed that people who drank two to three cups of effectively lowered their mortality risk due to heart disease and stroke by up to 18 percent.
  • Caffeine increases strength and endurance — The breakdown of caffeine produces compounds that improve blood flow, fat burning, and oxygen capacity, which is why it’s great for athletes or anyone who’s about to take part in physical activities.
  • Caffeine reduces cancer risk — The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of caffeine work together to reduce the risk of prostate, endometrial, skin, and liver cancer. According to a study published in the journal BMJ, the extent of this effect can reach up to an 18 percent reduction.

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