sleep patterns
By Jessica Dolores
Breaking up sleep into two parts, like they did before the Industrial Age, may cure insomnia
The invention of electricity has brought a lot of benefits, like powering appliances that make housework faster and easier for us. But it also created a group of people who find it hard to sleep at night. These insomniacs toss and turn in bed. They wake up at around two or three in the morning, […]
By Jessica Dolores
Skip the night lights, get black out curtains: Everyone, no matter what your age, should sleep in total darkness for the best mental health
For years, scientists have linked depression to mental, emotional, and psychological factors. They attributed depression to problems with family and friends, too much stress, certain medications and alcohol. However, a new study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology points to a different culprit: that tiny nighttime light in the bedroom. Researchers studied almost 900 elderly people […]
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