By Edsel Cook
Parasitic disease in dogs can be treated with natural products containing vitamin C
It turns out, man’s best friend is prone to many of the same diseases that affect its owner. One of those diseases is leishmaniasis, a parasitic infection that can transfer from dogs to humans. In their review, researchers looked at five potential candidates for treating the condition. Leishmaniasis takes its name from Leishmania, the protozoans that cause […]
By RJ Jhonson
False pepperwort leaves found to be effective against urolithiasis (kidney stones)
False pepperwort (Marsilea crenata), also known as water clover, has been used to treat kidney disturbances in various cultures. A study published in the American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences investigates if the herb’s medicinal benefits also extend to dogs. The researcher aimed to determine the potential of false pepperwort leaf and stalk extract as […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Chickens that drink untreated water don’t grow as fast as poultry given clean water
Cutting corners when it comes to husbandry may seem like a tempting idea at first – especially for the beginner. However, smart preppers and experienced poultry farmers understand the importance of clean water in raising healthy and safe-for-eating chickens. This was recently validated with an experimental study published in OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, which looked at […]
By Russel Davis
Man and his dog: A new discovery of carved rock images showing dogs on leashes are estimated to be 9,000 years old
A team of archaeologists at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Germany recently discovered images of dogs engraved in rocks, which appear to be the earliest depiction of how domesticated dogs have been employed by ancient humans. The cave drawings at the Shuwaymis and Jubbah sites in northwestern Saudi Arabia depict people surrounded by […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Dogs are not as evolved as wolves, who have to collaborate to survive in the wild
It’s believed that domestication has helped imbue dogs with a greater sense of cooperation – after all, they’re more than capable of working with humans as law enforcement dogs, service dogs, and the like. But when it comes to collaborating with other dogs, the results are less than stellar. In fact, according to a study […]
By David Williams
Conversing with Fido? Scientists claim that AI may one day allow us to communicate with dogs via a “pet translator”
Can you imagine what dogs would say if they could speak any human language? It’s an idea that has been around for quite a long time now, and has even been the subject of many jokes, skits, and comics. However, scientists are now saying that it could be real a lot sooner than you might […]
By Edsel Cook
Be fluent in “dog speech”: Animal behaviorists share science-proven ways to talk to your dog
Dog owners have long believed that their dogs can perfectly understand them. Animal behaviorists have backed them up on this belief, to the point that a new study suggests we should adopt “dog-directed speech” to make sure our dogs understand us, according to an article on The Conversation. Researchers have taken note of the fact […]
By Carol Anderson
Children raised in rural environments and surrounded by animals develop stronger immune systems
It’s said that being in rural areas has enormous benefits to our physical health. We’ve also been told that growing up in an environment where we’re exposed to animals and nature reduces the risk of developing asthma and some other diseases. A more recent study, however, found that growing up in a place close to nature […]
By Zoey Sky
Ruh? Dogs visualize what they are smelling, according to research – and they are surprised if it’s not what they expect
According to a study, dogs can create mental representations of objects that they observe using their sense of smell. The findings also showed that dogs might be surprised if what awaits at the end of the trail isn’t what they were expecting to find. It is a known fact that dogs have a keen sense of smell, but […]
By Zoey Sky
Reduce your kids’ risk of asthma and eczema: Get a dog
Based on the results of two separate studies, aside from being loyal companions, having dogs can also benefit the health of young children with asthma and eczema. Lead author Dr. Gagandeep Cheema, an allergist and member of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), explained that while eczema is a condition often found in […]
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