habitat changes
By Zoey Sky
Evolutionary biologist says that the rapid growth of cities has forced animals to evolve at “unprecedented speeds”
Since the dawn of time, various factors have forced animals to evolve so they can improve their chances of survival. But according to an evolutionary biologist, even humans and growing cities are somehow responsible for animal evolution. During an interview with Simon Worrall from National Geographic, Professor Menno Schilthuizen, an evolutionary biologist, posited that cities act as […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Scientists look at how human activity has altered evolution in the natural world: The consequences of exploding populations of rats, bedbugs, mosquitoes in cities
Nature may no longer be the primary force impacting evolution. A duo of researchers from the University of Toronto and Fordham University have put out a revolutionary new study on the evolutionary influence of urbanization. The study, which was published in Science, serves as a grim reminder on how far-reaching man’s power truly is. For […]
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