By Cassie B.
Fluoride linked to IMPAIRED kidney and liver function in adolescents, warn researchers
A study that was recently published in the Environment International journal showed just how dangerous fluoride can be in adolescence. The study looked at the relationship between the levels of fluoride in young people’s drinking water and blood and the health of their kidneys and livers. The adolescents studied were part of the National Health […]
By Edsel Cook
If great white sharks can’t escape heavy metals poisoning, where does that leave the rest of us?
The great white sharks in South African waters have been found to contain high levels of arsenic, lead, and mercury in their blood. While the sharks might shrug off the deadly effects of the heavy metals, the presence of the toxins suggest that their prey were badly contaminated – and humans also rely on some of […]
By Mike Adams
How much glyphosate is really in your beer? Health Ranger tests 26 popular beers in science lab to reveal surprising answer
According to media reports, beer products are heavily saturated with glyphosate, a toxic, cancer-causing weed killer chemical. But is the media really telling the truth? To find out, we tested 26 popular beers in our mass spec laboratory, using LC-MS-MS instrumentation that’s sensitive below 1 ppb. The findings may surprise you, because they contradict what […]
By Tracey Watson
Study: Exposure to pesticides during pregnancy increases a child’s risk of autism by nearly 10 percent
According to statistics presented by the Autism Society, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the fastest growing developmental disability in the United States, with one in 59 children now being diagnosed with a form of this condition. Shockingly, the number of people diagnosed with ASD increased by over 119 percent between 2000 and 2010. “Experts” would […]
By Ralph Flores
Researchers are working with high school students in California to reduce pesticide exposure in children
The city of Salinas, which sits just outside the Greater Bay Area in California, is known for a lot of things: It’s the hometown of renowned author and Nobel laureate John Steinbeck; it has a climate perfect for growing flowers and grapes; and it’s often known as the “Salad Bowl of the World,” on account […]
By Cassie B.
Scientists discover toxins from flooring and furniture in children’s blood, urine
Parents already have their work cut out for them ensuring the food their children eat is safe and healthy, and now a new study gives them yet another thing to worry about: chemicals in furniture and flooring. The study, which was led by researchers from Duke University, found that children who live in homes that […]
By Edsel Cook
Wired and tired: Screen time linked to downward spiral in kids
Excessive exposure to the artificial light emitted by electronic gadgets is responsible for the increasing number of “wired and tired” kids who are either keyed up and easily enraged or apathetic and depressed. The best way to deal with this problem is to decrease the inordinate amount of time kids spend using electronics every day. The brain […]
By Michelle Simmons
Children who grew up exposed to high levels of lead are at risk of mental health conditions as they age, say researchers
Lead is a toxic metal found in the Earth’s crust. Because of its widespread use, health problems around the world has increased. Throughout the years, researchers have been studying the health hazard of lead exposure, and recently they found that adults who were exposed to high levels of lead when they were young were more […]
By Tracey Watson
Research confirms link between exposure to formaldehyde and risk of dementia, depression and diabetes
When you hear the word formaldehyde, what do you think of? Does it conjure up images of gloomy mortuaries and dead bodies? If so, you’re not alone – most of us associate this chemical with the preservation of tissue in a laboratory environment. You may, therefore, not be aware that formaldehyde is actually pervasive in […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Bisphenol S found to trigger the formation of fat cells in our bodies
Bisphenol S (BPS) may just be as harmful as the chemical it was meant to replace, according to new data. Studies are now showing that the chemical replacement for bisphenol A (BPA) may trigger the formation of fat cells, suggesting that it may be interfering with the body’s endocrine system, much in the same way […]
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