cancer treatment
By Isabelle Z.
Researchers discover a method that can potentially block tumor growth in animal subjects with cancer
In an exciting new development, scientists from the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine have found what they term the Achilles’ Heel of cancerous tumors. According to a study published in Nature Cell Biology, activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4) could be the key to conquering cancer. While millions of our body’s cells essentially commit […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Passionflowers aren’t just pretty ornamentals, they’re also cancer busters
The genus Passiflora is composed of more than 500 different species of plants, most of which are used as ornamentals. Commonly called passionflowers or passion vines, these plants are well-known for producing brightly colored flowers with different hues. However, passionflowers aren’t just intended for visuals. Ongoing research suggests that these plants also possess a variety of medicinal properties that […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
East meets West: Can TCM and Western medicine “team up” to beat lung cancer?
Western medicine relies heavily on the use of modern drugs, which are often synthetic and cause undesirable side effects. On the other hand, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) makes use of medicinal plants and natural healing practices to address minor ailments or serious illnesses. Due to growing interest in and the resurgence of TCM use, researchers […]
By Ralph Flores
Researchers discover a type of bone cell that can slow the growth of cancer cells
Researchers from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia have identified a subpopulation of bone cells that causes cancer cells to “sleep,” allowing them to remain dormant for decades. Their findings, which appeared in the journal Breast Cancer Research, demonstrated a potential link between these bone cells and cancer recurrence. According to the team, the activity of these cells could explain […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Researchers uncover anti-cancer potential of plants used in traditional African medicine
Traditional medicine is still widely practiced even today. According to the World Health Organization, about 80 percent of the population in developing countries rely on traditional medicine. For instance, in Africa, where divination, spiritualism and herbalism are predominant, the majority turn to traditional medicine as their primary health care. Herbal medicines, in particular, is considered the cornerstone […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Exploring the anti-cancer potential of medicinal plants in Ethiopia
Ethiopian and Swedish researchers investigated the toxicity of extracts from seven medicinal plants traditionally used to treat breast cancer in Ethiopia. The results of their study were published in the Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. Traditional medicine is widely practiced in Ethiopia. Certain plants like Sideroxylon oxyacanthum, Zanthoxylum chalybeum, Clematis simensis, Clematis longicauda, Dovyalis abyssinica, Vernonia leopoldi and […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Physicians explain how long-term supplementation of vitamin D can increase the longevity of cancer patients
Vitamin D or the “sunshine vitamin” is a fat-soluble vitamin produced by the body when directly exposed to sunlight. If you don’t have enough exposure to sunlight, vitamin D is also available in certain foods and supplements. This vitamin has several important functions, including regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. This function allows vitamin […]
By Edsel Cook
Endangered fir tree from China contains compound that may combat cancer
An endangered species of fir in China might get more attention after one of its natural compounds showed potential in treating cancer. In a 2019 study supported by Purdue University, Chinese researchers compound 30 showed that it supported a cancer-fighting enzyme. Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. In the United States […]
By Melissa Smith
Take care of your gut, it’s your first defense against cancer
Taking care of your gut may be one of the ways that you can keep the threat of cancer at bay. A study published in the journal Nature Communications found that gut bacteria can enhance the ability of the immune system to fight cancers, particularly melanoma. The study was a collaboration involving over 40 scientists […]
By Edsel Cook
Hibiscus flowers promote apoptosis in breast cancer cells
Researchers from the University of Windsor investigated the efficacy of Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) extract as a potential adjuvant therapy for treating breast cancer. They published their findings in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Conventional approaches for treating metastatic cancer lack selectivity, the ability to discriminate between cancerous cells and healthy ones. The therapies cause genotoxicity and other side […]
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