News & Articles By Zoey Sky
By Zoey Sky
Your body wants a schedule: Researchers find that eating at the same time every day helps fight cognitive decline
We’ve often been told that we shouldn’t skip meals, but did you know that following a regular eating schedule can help fight dementia? According to a study, “regular meals improve gene expression in the region of the brain associated with body control, which often degenerates in Huntington’s disease (HD); a form of dementia.” Simply following a […]
By Zoey Sky
Researchers have developed a novel skin patch for diabetics that encourages their bodies to produce more insulin
Millions of individuals with type 2 diabetes must remain vigilant when it comes to their blood sugar levels because this is a key component used to measure their health. Their glucose levels are often measured via blood sugar test kits, which involve pricking the finger to get a blood sample for testing. But according to […]
By Zoey Sky
New noninvasive neurotechnology for vets: Study finds therapy using sound is effective for PTSD – without the side effects of medication
According to a study by researchers from the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, a “noninvasive brainwave mirroring technology” can help minimize the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among military personnel. Dr. Charles Tegeler, the study’s principal investigator and professor of neurology at the Wake Forest School of Medicine, PTSD is a prevalent concern among those in the military, whether its […]
By Zoey Sky
Thirty new studies confirm it: Sweet drinks cause weight gain, obesity in children and adults – experts call for action to reduce consumption
According to the results of a systematic review, sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) are associated with obesity in children and adults. Researchers have studied the latest data concerning SSBs, and at least 30 studies from 2013 to 2015 point to the link between SSBs and obesity. Experts warn countries who have yet to do so that they must […]
By Zoey Sky
How about plastic for dinner? It is showing up in mussels from the Arctic to China, and ending up on our plates
While some moules et frites (mussels and fries) sounds delicious, the dish probably wouldn’t be as appetizing if every other bite had plastic in it. According to a recent study, mussels from the European Arctic to China are contaminated with “tiny bits of plastic.” Mussels in Arctic waters contain the most plastic of all specimens […]
By Zoey Sky
Balanced potassium levels found to be critical to circadian rhythm processes, including sleep
Like other cells in the body, red blood cells follow circadian rhythms (24-hour biological clocks). These circadian rhythms alter cell activity from day to night. But unlike other cells, red blood cells do not have DNA. Red blood cells also lack the “clock genes” which control rhythms. It was a mystery when it came to […]
By Zoey Sky
Calcium imbalance in the brain linked to Alzheimer’s
According to research published early in 2017, calcium in the mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell), could be “one of the keys to understanding and treating Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.” A group of scientists at the Center for Translational Medicine at Temple University has revealed that they determined how “an imbalance of calcium ions in the mitochondria […]
By Zoey Sky
Anthropologists discover how teeth reveal vitamin D levels: X-rays can now be used to check for deficiency
We often take care of our oral health to make sure that our breath stays fresh, but did you know that dental X-rays can be used to determine vitamin D deficiencies (rickets)? While this is a grave health concern that often goes undiagnosed, Lori D’Ortenzio and Megan Brickley, anthropologists from McMaster University, have revealed that it can be […]
By Zoey Sky
Consciousness, cognitive function, memory storage: Scientists study the role of the thalamus
It is a fact that the thalamus, which is located in the center of the brain, is the “relay center” that delivers incoming sensory information so the other parts of the brain can process it. However, clinical findings have implied that certain sections of the thalamus could also have a crucial role in consciousness and cognitive […]
By Zoey Sky
Cancer “kill switch” discovered: Scientists have figured out how to make cancer cells “commit suicide” simultaneously
It looks like we’re making progress in the battle against the Big C. A group of scientists has revealed that they have discovered “a way to make cancer cells kill themselves in multiple ways, simultaneously.” In a news release, Marcus Peter, the study’s lead scientist at Northwestern University, shared, “It’s like committing suicide by stabbing […]
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