News & Articles By Tracey Watson
By Tracey Watson
Partners for good health: Researchers uncover positive link between magnesium and vitamin D
The health benefits of vitamin D cannot be overstated. Low levels of this crucial hormone have been linked to multiple diseases, including type 2 diabetes, stroke, autism, respiratory illness, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, skin conditions and even cancer. Achieving and maintaining optimal levels of vitamin D is not always easy, however. The body cannot manufacture its […]
By Tracey Watson
High doses of B-vitamins have a profound effect on mental health
The scourge of mental health problems plaguing the U.S. has been called an epidemic. Back in 2014, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) revealed that close to 20 percent of the total adult population of the United States is diagnosed with some form of mental illness each year, including depression, bipolar disorder […]
By Tracey Watson
It’s time to look at soil health: Synthetic fertilizers, herbicides have taken an enormous toll, with long-term consequences
The thing about soil is that you cannot tell how healthy it is just by looking at it, and it can take years to determine the long-term effects of what you put in to it. For this reason, agrochemical companies have been able to push the use of harmful pesticides and other chemicals for decades […]
By Tracey Watson
Breakthrough discovery: Scientists have found where Alzheimer’s starts – in a set of inflamed immune cells
Over 5.5 million Americans – mostly over the age of 65 – are battling Alzheimer’s disease, a debilitating condition that kills more people than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. Alzheimer’s progressively destroys memory and other cognitive functions, causing confusion, anxiety and heartache. The number of people fighting this disease has increased by a staggering […]
By Tracey Watson
CDC cites its OWN pharma-influenced studies to “prove” thimerosal is safe and not harmful to kids
Talk about a conflict of interest! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has proudly announced that “the evidence is clear: Thimerosal is not a toxin in vaccines, but merely a preservative, preventing contamination, that has been used in vaccines for decades.” This conclusion, they note, was reached based on studies “conducted by CDC […]
By Tracey Watson
Biologists: Pesticide regulations designed to protect bees are failing
Bees, like many of the world’s insects, are in crisis, and their numbers are dwindling at an alarming rate. At the same time, the world’s population – and its reliance on insect-pollinated crops – continues to grow at an equally alarming pace. The bees might be in crisis right now, but pretty soon it will […]
By Tracey Watson
People are fleeing urban life for more enjoyable, healthier country living
While many of us have become reliant on the conveniences and amenities associated with city living, the lure of the great outdoors and a simpler, more natural way of life is exerting an ever-greater pull on many. As a result, a great number of people are packing up and heading for a simpler way of […]
By Tracey Watson
Glyphosate exposure found to hike non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk by 41% … and this deadly weed killer chemical inundates our food supply
Natural News has been warning for years that glyphosate – the primary ingredient in Roundup, the world’s most widely used weed killer – causes cancer. Though studies were published in peer-reviewed journals confirming this link, Monsanto was able to use its massive political clout and almost bottomless funds to tear these studies apart and have […]
By Tracey Watson
Social science: Researchers determine we make friends based on individual qualities rather than group qualities
Do you long to make more friends? As social creatures, most humans want to be accepted and have a close-knit group of friends with whom they can spend time and who they know they can always rely on in times of trouble. In fact, a lack of good friends can increase your risk of premature […]
By Tracey Watson
Twisted SCIENCE: Journal paper retracted after co-author found to have sexually assaulted the physically disabled author who has severe mental retardation
The process of facilitated communication involves absolute trust. It requires that someone with autism or another developmental disability literally place themselves in the hands of a facilitator who guides their movements to try to help them express themselves by typing on a keyboard or pointing at pictures. Anna Stubblefield, the former chairwoman of philosophy at […]
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