News & Articles By Ralph Flores
By Ralph Flores
1 avocado a day for 6 months can improve brain function in senior citizens: Study
There’s a lot to be said of the health benefits of avocados. They are an excellent source of healthy unsaturated fats, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. In older adults especially, the fruits increase lutein levels in the brain and eyes which significantly improves cognitive functions, a study in the journal Nutrients reported. The study, conducted […]
By Ralph Flores
Walnuts reduce hunger and cravings by changing your brain
Researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) have found that walnuts can “trick” your brain into feeling full by activating an area in the brain that regulates hunger and cravings. The study, published in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, is the first of its kind to directly explore the neurocognitive effects that the nuts have on the brain. “We […]
By Ralph Flores
Plants starved for energy found to resort to “self-cannibalism” by breaking down and consuming cells from their own leaves for survival
Plants will do just about anything to survive, and according to researchers at Tohoku University, that includes turning to autophagy – or destroying its own cells – and getting much-needed amino acids to survive energy-starved “hunger” conditions. The results of the study, published in Plant & Cell Physiology, also looked at how autophagy can be manipulated to […]
By Ralph Flores
Gut bacteria play a role on how your dietary changes affect your blood pressure
It’s already known that our diets contribute a lot to the development of diseases such as high blood pressure and that changing it is the first step toward mitigating that risk. However, according to researchers from the U.K. and the U.S., a person’s gut bacteria is also a factor in the effectiveness of his dietary change. […]
By Ralph Flores
Differentiating between probiotics and “postbiotics”
So what’s in a name? For scientists, it’s the chance to learn more about a new compound that carries potential benefits to human health. In a study published in the journal Trends in Food Science & Technology, the team looked at how “postbiotics” – defined as soluble factors that are released by probiotics – could be […]
By Ralph Flores
Deadly cycle: Eating high-fat food makes us hungrier, more likely to snack on junk
Obesity isn’t just a problem with eating too much: Most of the time, there are behavioral triggers that lead to this condition, and learning to identify them will create new ideas to effectively combat the situation. This was the focus of a study led by researchers from the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and the Universitat Pompeu […]
By Ralph Flores
Best weight-loss plan for diabetics: A huge breakfast but smaller lunch and dinner
People who are obese, as well as those who have Type 2 diabetes or regularly take insulin, would do well to take a high-energy breakfast to lose weight. Based on the finding, researchers from Israel also suggested scaling back during lunch and dinner to achieve a better effect. The findings were presented at the ENDO […]
By Ralph Flores
Natural bacteria-killing viruses in the bladder may prove more effective at clearing UTIs than antibiotics
Our body is home to a lot of organisms besides our cells. While some of them may be pathogenic, waiting for a chance to strike, most of them help us out a lot. A case in point: A recent study has reported that bacterial viruses called bacteriophages (or phages for short), which infect and replicate […]
By Ralph Flores
Scientific analysis of the health benefits of digestive pills made from black nightshade
Research that was recently published in the IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) studied the production of a digestive pill that contains Solanum nigrum — commonly known as the black nightshade — as its primary ingredient. The paper, authored by Bimal Bibhuti from the Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology, and Sciences (SHUATS) in India, noted that the […]
By Ralph Flores
Stressed-out cacao trees produce more nutritionally potent chocolate – new research
A bite of your favorite chocolate bar can take off the stress for most people – studies have already looked into it – but research has shown that putting cocoa trees under stress can lead to better-tasting chocolate. In particular, drought and other weather conditions have more impact on cocoa production than how the tree themselves are grown. The […]
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